Azevêdo insta a que continúe el apoyo al fondo destinado a ayudar a los países en desarrollo a aplicar las normas internacionales




En una recepción organizada para los participantes en la reunión del Fondo para la Aplicación de Normas y el Fomento del Comercio (STDF) celebrada en la OMC el 26 de marzo, el Director General Roberto Azevêdo dijo que una de las cuestiones que con más frecuencia plantean los empresarios de los países en desarrollo son las dificultades con que tropiezan para cumplir las normas exigidas. Acogió con satisfacción la prórroga del programa STDF durante los cinco próximos años y subrayó “lo mucho que ha logrado la iniciativa”. El Director General dijo lo siguiente:

(de momento sólo en inglés)

Good evening everyone — welcome to the WTO.

We’re here to celebrate the work of the Standards and Trade Development Facility.

The STDF answers an essential need.

When I visit developing countries business people often tell me about the difficulties they face in meeting required standards. It is one of the most frequent issues I hear.

The work of the STDF supports them to overcome precisely these problems and gain market access.

In this way the STDF partnership has accomplished a great deal:

  • It has delivered 140 projects.
  • It has provided significant support to the most vulnerable, as 50% of project resources are dedicated to LDCs.
  • And it promotes the exchange of information and good practice in SPS capacity building.

So I want to thank everyone who has been involved in making this initiative a success.

  • I want to thank all the founding organizations — the FAO, OIE, WHO and World Bank — along with the WTO of course.
  • I want to thank the donors, who play such an essential role — many of whom are here today.
  • I want to thank the developing country experts and beneficiariesfor their active engagement and involvement.
  • And I want to thank the team here at the WTO, who work so hard to manage the partnership and the trust fund.

Every one of you has played a crucial role.

I was delighted to see that the latest independent evaluation of the STDF declared that it delivers «impressive» results. I think we can all take some pride in that.

And of course it is therefore very welcome that the STDF Policy Committee has now approved continuation of the program for the next 5 years.

The STDF’s new strategic aim is to strengthen the mechanism and to make it even more effective and efficient.

Now we need to secure funding for the next five years.

On that note I would like to urge donors to continue supporting the initiative with additional contributions. Of course multi-year commitments are particularly welcome!

I think we should continue to champion the work of the STDF in 2015.

The 5th Global Review of Aid for Trade, held here at the WTO from 30 June to 2 July, will be a good opportunity to do this.

There will be a plenary session focused specifically on these issues where we can showcase both the excellent work that is being done and also countries’ experience in SPS capacity building.

The WTO is proud to be the home of the STDF and to support its ongoing work.

By working together on this initiative we have delivered a great deal. I hope that we can deliver even more in the years to come.

Thank you — enjoy the evening.