El Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC — Un viaje en el tiempo…para un evento de actualidad


La Ronda Uruguay de 1986-1994, que sigue siendo la última ronda de negociaciones comerciales que ha concluido con éxito, dejó detrás de sí una rica historia. El 26 de febrero de 2015 los delegados y observadores en el Consejo de los Aspectos de los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual relacionados con el Comercio (ADPIC) escucharon a algunas de las personas que participaron efectivamente en las negociaciones, que les hablaron de la incorporación de la propiedad intelectual al sistema multilateral de comercio a raíz de la ronda; otros expertos explicaron lo que ha ocurrido desde entonces y lo que podría pasar en adelante.

(de momento sólo en inglés)

In this “WTO Capacity Building Symposium on the TRIPS Agreement for TRIPS Council Members and Observers”, a number of Uruguay Round intellectual property negotiators and some Secretariat staff from that time are headed back to Centre William Rappard to help current delegates, including those from capitals, understand how and why the TRIPS Agreement turned out the way it did.

The event also reviewed the impact of the Agreement since it took effect 20 years ago. This is in response to suggestions from delegates that they need to learn more about the history. The event was a unique opportunity for the professional development of TRIPS Council delegates from Geneva missions as well as capitals, and for Secretariat officials of observer intergovernmental organizations interested in intellectual property.

This event also served as an opportunity to consult with Members on their overall capacity building needs and needs for practical information in relation to the TRIPS Agreement, and on preparations for a public event on “TRIPS at 20 years” proposed to be held during this year’s WTO Public Forum.

The TRIPS Symposium took place in the Council Room on 26 February 2015, 9am to 6pm. The programme is here with the power point presentations made.

Find out more:

The Uruguay Round
Intellectual property (TRIPS)
Details of the symposium
TRIPS events
Capacity building