El Comité de la OMC examina más de 60 medidas de salvaguardia




Los Miembros de la OMC examinaron más de 60 investigaciones en materia de salvaguardias específicas en la reunión del Comité de Salvaguardias de la OMC celebrada el 26 de octubre. El gran número de medidas examinadas se debió en parte al hecho de que la reunión de primavera no había tenido lugar por el confinamiento debido a la COVID-19. Las medidas de salvaguardia de la Unión Europea sobre las importaciones de productos de acero siguieron suscitando muchas observaciones de los Miembros. Estos también analizaron el “examen de transición” del Reino Unido de las medidas de salvaguardia impuestas actualmente por la UE.


China, Japan, Korea and Australia once again highlighted their general concerns over the rising number of safeguard measures taken and called on members to strictly abide by the provisions of the Safeguards Agreement. In this context, some members raised concerns regarding safeguard actions in the steel sector while others referred to the economic situation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

EU safeguard measures on certain steel products


Several members voiced their concerns with the European Union’s safeguard measures on certain steel products, including its most recent adjustments made to the measure.

In February 2019, the European Union decided to apply a definitive safeguard measure on 28 categories of steel products up to June 2021.


UK’s notifications

The United Kingdom submitted to the committee its new trade remedy legislations, which govern trade remedies instruments including safeguards. The UK explained the current situation as well as how the new system will operate when it leaves the EU on 1 January 2021.


The UK also submitted a notification regarding the initiation of an investigation on certain steel products. The UK said that the EU’s safeguard measure on certain steel products will be “transitioned” and will continue in respect of UK territory, with adjustments made to ensure that it works specifically for the UK market. The UK-specific tariff rate quotas will come into effect on 31 December 2020. Foreign exporters will be given ample opportunity to engage in the transition review process, such as making submissions and requesting hearings.


Several members expressed concerns about the way the UK was proceeding. Switzerland, raising a separate agenda item, questioned the relationship between, on the one hand, the UK’s notice of determination announced in September 2020 and, on the other hand, the transition review notified to the committee. Other members asked, for example, whether the UK did not need to embark on its own new investigation, or how the tariff rate quotas provided in the September determination were calculated.

Review of legislative notifications


The committee reviewed two dozen new safeguard legislative notifications from the following members: Afghanistan, Bolivia, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Ghana, India, Lao PDR, Liberia, Tonga, the United Kingdom (see above), Viet Nam and Zimbabwe. Members continued to discuss previously reviewed legislative notifications from Kenya and the United Arab Emirates.


Notifications of actions related to safeguard measures


The committee reviewed various notifications of actions related to safeguard measures received since the last committee meeting (November 2019) from the following members: Colombia; Costa Rica; Ecuador; Egypt;  members of the Eurasian Economic Union; the European Union (see above); member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council; Guatemala; India; Indonesia; Jordan; Madagascar; Malaysia; Morocco; Panama; the Philippines; South Africa; Thailand; Turkey; Ukraine; the United Kingdom (see above); the United States; and Viet Nam.


Other matters

Other matters addressed as separate agenda items at the committee meeting included US measures on steel and aluminium (requested by India, Japan, the EU and Turkey), members’ procedures during COVID-19 (requested by Australia and the US) and notifications of non-imposition of a safeguard measures (requested by Brazil).

The committee adopted a new notification format that encourages members to make certain notifications that enhance transparency.


The interim chair provided an update regarding the EU’s request under Article 13.1(e) of the Agreement on Safeguards. The committee also adopted its annual report to the Council for Trade in Goods.


Election of officers

At the end of the meeting, Mr Mustafa Tuzcu (Turkey) was elected to be the new chair of the Safeguards Committee.

Fuente: OMC