La DG Okonjo-Iweala insta a los participantes en un taller a revisar el conjunto de normas sobre los productos alimenticios y agropecuarios


El 2 de julio, la Directora General de la OMC Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala instó a los Miembros a que revisaran el conjunto de normas de la Organización sobre los productos alimenticios y agropecuarios. Formuló estas observaciones en un taller de dos días organizado para Miembros y expertos externos a fin de examinar los retos actuales del sector agrícola en el contexto de las negociaciones de la OMC.

“There is an urgent need to ensure that trade in food and agriculture contributes to ensuring everyone can access sufficient, safe, and nutritious food at all times,” the DG said in her opening remarks to participants.

While the Agreement on Agriculture has underpinned five-fold growth in agricultural trade since the start of the century, the challenges facing the sector have evolved significantly, she said.

Agricultural markets remain highly distorted, while UN figures indicate that around 9 per cent of the world’s population faced hunger in 2022 — with climate change among the factors that are exacerbating existing challenges.

Policy-makers need to rethink how existing policy frameworks affect the sustainable management of land and water resources, the DG said.

Sessions during the workshop explored challenges related to sustainability, food security and reducing poverty as well as possible new avenues that members could consider in the ongoing negotiations on agricultural trade rules at the WTO.

Experts from academic institutions and international agencies were among those who addressed the event, which was attended by ambassadors and trade officials from WTO members.

DG Okonjo-Iweala called on trade officials to find the political will to make the trade-offs needed to achieve progress in the talks.

“We should use every single means to try and get a breakthrough,” the Director-General told the meeting. “And that is why I think this workshop is very important.”

Fuente: OMC