La OMC abre la inscripción en línea para el Foro Público 2024 y publica la convocatoria de propuestas


La OMC ha abierto el plazo de inscripción en línea para el Foro Público de este año, titulado “Reglobalización: un comercio mejor para un mundo mejor”, que se celebrará en la sede de la OMC en Ginebra del 10 al 13 de septiembre. También ha publicado una convocatoria de propuestas para el evento.

The 2024 Public Forum will explore how re-globalization can make trade more inclusive, ensuring that the benefits of trade reach more people. It will also examine the role of digitalization, services and sustainability in achieving this goal. Additional information on this year’s event is available here.

Participants interested in organizing working sessions at the Public Forum can find details about the application process in this information note. An online application form can be accessed from the information note. This should be completed no later than 14 June 2024 (23:59 CET). All sessions at the Forum are organized by participants.

Individuals interested in attending the Forum should complete the online registration form no later than 23 August 2024 (23:59 CET).


The Public Forum is the WTO’s largest outreach event, providing a unique platform for interested stakeholders from around the world to discuss the latest developments in global trade and to propose ways of enhancing the multilateral trading system. The event attracts over 2,000 representatives each year from civil society, academia, business, government, international organizations and the media. See more information on previous Public Fora.

Fuente: OMC