La OMPI y la OMC mejoran el acceso a la colección Colloquium Papers




La Organización Internacional de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI) y la OMC han creado una nueva página web que ofrece un acceso completo a la colección WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers, una iniciativa académica conjunta que tiene por objeto promover el análisis y el debate sobre cuestiones de propiedad intelectual de particular interés para los países en desarrollo. La puesta en marcha coincide con el 25º aniversario del acuerdo bilateral entre las dos organizaciones que sentó las bases de la cooperación para prestar asistencia técnica a los países en desarrollo.

The new webpage provides a complete list of all articles published in the journal WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers, listed in reverse chronological order from the most recent. The articles can be browsed by title and author, or searched according to key word, author’s name, title or full text.

Published annually since 2010 as a peer-reviewed academic journal, the WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers facilitate the dissemination of a broader and more geographically diverse and representative range of scholarship than is common in much of the academic literature on IP law and policy. They are the result of the colloquium for teachers and researchers in the field of IP, an intensive two-week programme jointly organized by WIPO and the WTO that brings together established and emerging scholars from around the world.

Participants present their current research to their peers and are invited to develop and submit their papers for the corresponding annual edition of the WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers. Since its inception, more than 400 academics, mainly from developing countries and from least developed countries (LDCs), have taken part in this event, spanning a rich and diverse range of scholarly expertise and teaching responsibilities.

The WIPO-WTO Colloquium series was launched with the goal of building the capacity of those best placed to ensure truly sustainable, long-term benefits derived from the use of a well-tailored IP system – academic teachers and researchers. Members of its impressive alumni network are now making invaluable contributions to their field through academic publications, participation in national and international policy debates, teaching, and capacity-building in the developing world.

2020 special edition

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the session of the colloquium initially scheduled for June 2020 was postponed. However, both the WIPO Academy and the WTO committed to keep the momentum, particularly at this difficult time, and are making a call for papers from WIPO-WTO Colloquium alumni to issue a special edition of the WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers (volume 11). The call for papers is available here.

This year also marks the 50th anniversary of WIPO’s establishment, although the institutional roots of WIPO date back to the 19th century when cross-border trade, investment, technology flows and cultural exchanges made international rules on IP a practical necessity. The link between IP and international trade was further reinforced and consolidated in 1995 when the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) came into force with the establishment of the WTO, introducing IP rules into the multilateral trading system for the first time.