Nueva publicación establece un marco común para medir el comercio digital


Una nueva edición del Manual sobre la medición del comercio digital publicado hoy (28 de julio) ofrece un marco y orientaciones prácticas para medir el comercio digital. Sobre la base de la primera edición publicada en 2019, el manual tiene por objeto abordar las dificultades intrínsecas que plantea la medición del comercio digital y establecer prácticas coherentes que permitirán la comparación de datos de distintos países. La publicación ha sido elaborada de forma conjunta por la OMC, el Fondo Monetario Internacional, la Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos, y la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo.

The measurement of digital trade offers policymakers statistical evidence on the significant impact of digital trade on the global economy. Digital technologies have made it increasingly feasible for buyers and sellers to place and receive orders on a global scale. They also enable the instantaneous remote delivery of services directly into businesses and homes.

The Handbook focuses on two key elements: digitally ordered trade and digitally delivered trade. Furthermore, it highlights the important role of digital intermediation platforms (DIPs) in facilitating digital trade and addresses particular compilation challenges in measuring DIP transactions.

The Handbook represents a comprehensive agreed approach to measuring digital trade. It incorporates extensive compilation guidance based on substantive inputs and case studies from both developed and developing economies. It also provides a reporting template, facilitating the production and dissemination of digital trade statistics. The template offers flexibility to statistical compilers, even when only partial information is available.

The Handbook marks a crucial step towards effective measurement of digital trade. Through its extensive compilation guidance, it will enable statistical compilers to measure and monitor digital trade and will help policymakers to respond to the challenges and opportunities brought about by the digital transformation of global trade.