OMC – Edición de 2023 del concurso “Small Business Champions” (Campeones de las Pequeñas Empresas)
El 16 de marzo, el Grupo de Trabajo Informal sobre las Microempresas y las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (Mipymes), la Cámara de Comercio Internacional (CCI) y el Centro de Comercio Internacional (ITC) pusieron en marcha la edición de 2023 de la iniciativa “Small Business Champions” (Campeones de las Pequeñas Empresas) con el tema “Ayudar a los pequeños agricultores a internacionalizarse”. Los ganadores se anunciarán en un evento virtual que se celebrará el 27 de junio de 2023 con motivo del Día de las Mipymes.
The initiative is looking for proposals that help smallholder farmers access international markets and supply chains. Proposals can be submitted by small businesses, industry associations, chambers of commerce, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The competition seeks to raise awareness among businesses and policymakers of the difficulties smallholder farmers encounter when it comes to international trade, highlight best practices, and support smallholder farmers’ participation in international trade with a view towards business innovation and resilience.
The deadline for submitting proposals is 5 May 2023.
Launched in 2021, the annual competition provides an opportunity for businesses, industry associations, chambers of commerce and NGOs to propose innovative, practical ways of helping small businesses play a more active role in world trade.
More information on the competition can be found here.