OMC – Los Miembros eligen a los Presidentes de los órganos subsidiarios del Consejo del Comercio de Mercancías para 2024

La Presidente del Consejo del Comercio de Mercancías, Embajadora Clare Kelly (Nueva Zelandia), informó a los Miembros de que, conforme a los procedimientos escritos, se había llegado a un acuerdo con respecto a las personas que presidirán 13 de los órganos subsidiarios que rinden informe al Consejo.
These are:
CTG Subsidiary BodyChair
Committee on AgricultureMs Anna LEUNG (Hong Kong, China)
Committee on Anti-dumping PracticesMr Mohamed Zouhair TAOUS (Tunisia)
Committee on Customs ValuationMr Sergio PRIETO LÓPEZ (Spain)
Committee on Import LicensingMs Tyesha TURNER (Jamaica)
Committee on Rules of OriginMr Guna Seelan BALAKRISHNAN (Malaysia)
Committee on SafeguardsMr Jun MORIKAWA (Japan)
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary MeasuresMrs Cecilia RISOLO (Argentina)
Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing MeasuresDr Wolfram SPELTEN (Germany)
Committee on Technical Barriers to TradeMs Daniela GARCÍA (Ecuador)
Committee on Trade FacilitationMs Chanikarn DISPADUNG (Thailand)
Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs)Dr Ahmed DIAB (Egypt)
Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology ProductsMr Ta‑Lin (Peter) SHIH (Chinese Taipei)
Working Party on State Trading EnterprisesMs Jooyoung LEE (Republic of Korea)

With respect to the Committee on Market Access, no decision on the appointment of the chairperson has been reached and consultations will continue. Pending the conclusion of these consultations, Ms Nicola WATERFIELD (Canada) will be appointed as interim Chairperson.

Fuente: OMC