OMC – Los Miembros examinan propuestas para revitalizar los debates sobre la transferencia de tecnología

El 15 de mayo el Grupo de Trabajo sobre Comercio y Transferencia de Tecnología examinó propuestas de los Miembros sobre temas que podrían debatirse en el futuro y reflexionó sobre la manera de dar un nuevo impulso a los trabajos para encontrar la forma de incrementar las corrientes de tecnología hacia las economías en desarrollo. Los Miembros eligieron al Embajador Raimondas Alisauskas (Lituania) Presidente para 2024 y concedieron a la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI) la condición de observador en el Grupo de Trabajo.
Alejandro Roca Campaña from WIPO reiterated his organization’s readiness to deepen its partnership with the WTO and leverage its expertise in IP innovation to contribute to the discussions on technology transfer. Members supported WIPO’s request for observer status given the mandate in the Abu Dhabi Ministerial Declaration for the Working Group to continue working with other relevant international organizations and in view of the areas of common interest between WIPO and the Working Group.
Members discussed two proposals, by India and the African Group, on themes the Working Group could prioritize for discussion, with a view to increasing flows of technology to developing economies. The themes include leveraging technologies for facilitating trade, enhancing agricultural productivity and resilience, and promoting environmentally sound technologies to address climate change. Members welcomed the proposals and reflected on possible ways forward.
Ambassador Ališauskas said he will begin consultations with members to gather their views on the next steps, including on how to structure work. «Ministers have recognized in the Abu Dhabi Ministerial Declaration the role of this working group and encouraged the continuation of our work. There is a need for us to reassess the current status of our work and to structure it going forward to deliver substantively,» he added.
The next Working Group meeting is scheduled for 11 July 2024.
Fuente OMC