OMC: Solución de Diferencias – Japón plantea diferencia contra Ucrania por medidas de salvaguardia sobre automóviles
El 30 de octubre de 2013, el Japón presentó a la Secretaría de la OMC una solicitud de celebración de consultas con Ucrania en relación con las medidas de salvaguardia impuestas por ese país a determinados automóviles de turismo.
On 28 April 2012, Ukraine’s Inter-Departmental Commission for International Trade decided to impose safeguard duties of 6.46 per cent on imports of cars of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1000cm3 but not exceeding 1500cm3, and of 12.95 per cent on imports of cars of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500cm3 but not exceeding 2200cm3. Measures entered into force in April 2013.
In its request for consultations, Japan alleges that Ukraine acted inconsistently with the Agreement on Safeguards and the GATT 1994. In particular, it alleges Ukraine did not immediately notify the Committee on Safeguards and did not provide adequate opportunity for prior consultations with WTO members. It failed to publish a report setting forth its findings and reasoned conclusions and a detailed analysis of the case under investigation, and applied the safeguard measures two years after the end of the investigation period. Japan also alleges that Ukraine applied the safeguard measures beyond the extent necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury.
At the 22 October 2013 meeting of the WTO Committee on Safeguards, Japan had expressed serious concerns over the large-scale effect of Ukraine’s measures on Japanese auto exports. It had noted that it was seriously considering following steps under the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding.
It is the second case brought against Ukraine since its accession to the WTO in 2008 (the first case, on distilled spirits, was brought by Moldova in March 2011 — DS423).
> En los próximos días se facilitará más información en el documentoWT/DS468/1
¿Qué es una solicitud de celebración de consultas?
La solicitud de celebración de consultas inicia formalmente una diferencia en la OMC. Las consultas dan a las partes la oportunidad de debatir la cuestión y encontrar una solución satisfactoria sin llegar al litigio. Pasados 60 días, si las consultas no han permitido resolver la diferencia, el reclamante puede pedir que la resuelva un grupo especial.